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Privacy policy

Company information

Mercandi Oy (2473490-6) manages and owns the online store. Mercandi Oy is a Finnish company that specializes in online marketing and sales. Mercandi Oy reserves the right to change the terms of the agreement without prior notice. It is the customer's responsibility to review the terms of the contract regularly.


2. Customer and consumer protection

Mercandi Oy complies with the Finnish Consumer Protection Act, which can be read at:


3. Registry description

Register Description in accordance with Section 10 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999)


Registry Administrator

Linda Liljestrand

Kauppatie 9 c

65610 Mustasaari


Purpose of the data

The purpose of the register data is to maintain the customer relationship between Mercandi Oy and the customer and to plan, implement and develop the service. The information is also used to investigate possible abuses.


Source of information

The information in the register is collected in connection with e-commerce orders. The information provided in connection with the order will not be disclosed for marketing purposes.


Accuracy of information

The accuracy of the information is not checked. The customer has the opportunity to delete their own customer data by notifying us.


Information content of the register

The customer register of the store contains the information provided by the customer in connection with registration.


Disclosure of information

Mercandi Oy does not disclose information to third parties. Mercandi Oy may disclose information within the limits permitted and mandatory by applicable legislation.


Registry security

The register shall be handled with due care and the information processed by the information systems shall be adequately protected. When registry information is stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital security of their hardware is adequately addressed. Mercandi Oy ensures that the stored data as well as the access rights to the servers and other information critical to the security of personal data are treated confidentially and only by the employees whose job description it belongs to.


Prohibition right

A person in the register has the right to request the removal of personal data concerning him or her from the register. Data subjects also have other rights under the EU's general data protection regulation, such as restrictions on the processing of personal data in certain situations. Requests must be sent in writing to Mercandi Oy. If necessary,  Mercandi Oy may ask the applicant to prove his or her identity. Mercandi Oy will respond to the customer within the time stipulated in the EU Data Protection Regulation (generally within one month).


Use of cookies

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are used to collect and analyze the following information, among others:

- Browser type

- The number of visitors to the site

- Operating system

- Pages a user has visited before

- The time at which the user arrives on our site



A cookie is a short piece of text that a website sends to your browser. We store statistics about the use of our site to ensure a smooth user experience and the functionality of the technical implementation. The information also tells us about the user experience of our site visitors and helps us to improve the site even better and to target advertising.


Cookies can be temporary or permanent. Temporary cookies are deleted from your terminal when you close your browser. Persistent cookies are stored for a longer, predetermined period of time. We may use both temporary and permanent cookies.


If you do not want to accept cookies, you can change your browser's browser settings if you wish. For example, visit About Cookies:


Please note, however, that blocking or deleting cookies may interfere with some features of our site.


If you do not disable cookies, we will consider that you have accepted the use of cookies.

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